Well-Being Influencer Network

About the Well-Being Influencer Network

This network is a collaborative group of faculty, staff, and learners designated by their leaders to be liaisons to our office. They actively advocate and influence at an organizational level for workforce well-being in their respective departments, disciplines, and offices.  

Purpose is to improve workforce well-being across Michigan Medicine by:

Departments, disciplines, and offices throughout Michigan Medicine are encouraged to:

To learn more, please contact: Office-of-Well-Being@med.umich.edu, or contact one of our Well-Being Influencers.

Nichols Arboretum Peony Gardens:  Peonies symbolize wellness - a happy life, happy relationships, good health and prosperity. 

The Well-Being Advocate Network provided a lifeline to us during one of the most difficult times in our personal and professional careers during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Having a weekly meeting with the other advocates gave us a safe place to help and support each other personally along with sharing best practices to help us better care for the people in our departments.  This is an incredible network of people who are passionate and devoted to improving the lives of all the care takers here at Michigan Medicine. 

-Former Well-Being  Influencer